Frequently Asked Questions

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The processing time for Offer Letter or CoE is 2-3 business days. In certain periods when the number of requests is high, it may be slightly longer for which we expect your patience and understanding.
International student must start the course on the date as stated in the CoE, provided the VISA conditions support the student to start the course on that day. In case of special circumstances, the student may request for permission from the college to start the course later, but no later than 2 weeks from the CoE date.
Students are entitled for holiday letters only after commencement of the course.
Yes, the students must attend classes on all scheduled days of the week. It is necessary for the students to achieve at least 80% attendance. (Please read the attendance policy given in the handbook/website)
There are 2 weeks holidays at the end of each term and 4 weeks of end of year. The term end holidays are generally during March-April, June-July, and September-October. The end of year holidays is during December-January.
Students can request for holiday letter at the college reception. The process takes 3 business days as it includes assessing the student’s course progress, attendance, and payment of fees.
The courses offered by KIMT are time bound programs, and the college does not encourage students to take leave when the course is in progress. However, under critical personal and medical circumstances, the students are permitted to take leave for a period not exceeding 28 days.
The student is required to contact the Student Support Officer and discuss the circumstances and submit the leave application.
Students must get the leave approved before buying tickets to travel overseas. The leave approval is subject to the student’s course progress, attendance, and fee payment outcomes. In case the leave is not approved, it will necessitate modifying or cancelling the travel tickets.
If a student does not attend class for three days in a row, he/she will be contacted by the administration department. If the student goes overseas without leave approval, the college may cancel or suspend the course placement and re-enroll when the student returns. The student will have no valid CoE during the absence period which put the student into major risk.
Students must inform the college when they are sick and not attending classes. They must also go to the doctor for treatment, obtain medical certificate for the period of absence, and submit to the college. They must also request for student support, if any, for the learning opportunity lost during the sick period.
Students must be punctual to the classes. They are not allowed to come late and/or leave early without a valid reason approved by the college.
Students are required to inform the college of any change in their personal details. The ‘Change of Student Details’ form can be filled and submitted at the college reception.
An individual study plan is provided to each student starting a course. The units of competency, schedule of learning, and assessment submission details are given to support the student plan the study.
Students are supported and encouraged to complete their courses within the scheduled period. Extension of course and CoE are decisions taken on merits of each case. The student can apply to the Campus Manager for any extension.
Students need to complete all course requirements to finish a course. If these competency requirements are achieved, students can finish the course early.
The assessment submission dates are provided in the study plan. This date is generally a week after the unit delivery is completed. Any changes in the submission date will be informed by the trainer.
When students complete all requirements of competency of the qualification, they can apply for the Qualification Certificate or the Statement of Attainment as the case may be, by submitting the completed Student Request Form at the college reception.
The student willing to transfer to another provider must apply in writing to the CEO and meet the requirements stated in the Transfer Between Providers Policy.
Students can present valid reasons and apply for change of course in KIMT. The students are not encouraged to change courses during their initial year of study.
Students can discuss extension of time for payment of fees with the Campus Manager. Extension is provided to the current month fee. For long term fee payment adjustments approval is required from the Campus Manager. All payment extensions must end before two months of the course date.
When applying for a course, students can apply for credit for the subjects completed earlier in the Credit Transfer form.
Students can apply for deferment of a course. The request will be approved only when the college assess the reason to be valid and compelling.
The material fee is used up at the front end of the course when resources are arranged for the student to facilitate learning. Therefore, there is no possibility of a refund.

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